Members of the Steering Committe presently are:


- Dott.Alessandro.Manini (Italy) - ITCP Commission Chair - IEMO President

- Dr. Francois Rouillay - ITPC Vice-Chairman

- Ing. Sabine Becker- ITPC Commissioner

- Dr. Mary S. Booth, PhD | Director, Partnership for Policy Integrity

- Dr. Roberto Romizi, Presidente ISDE Italia, Medici Per l'Ambiente

- Dott. Ugo Corrieri- Coordinatore ISDE Italia Centrale

- Prof.  Bartolomeo Schirone, Docente all'Università della Tuscia e Presidente Gruppo Unitario Foreste Italiane

- Dr. Lorenzo Girardi, Presidente Generale, ANPANA Onlus

-.Cav_.Philip_.Bonn, Commissioner for UK

- Dr. Paolo Zavarella, Presidente, Associazione Italiana di Medicina Forestale (A.I.Me.F),

- Associazione Italiana per la Rieducazione Occluso-Posturale (A.I.R.O.P.)

- Centro Ricerche Olistiche per la Medicina Osteopatica e Naturale (CROMON)

- Dott.ssa Annamaria Pollak, Presidente, Associazione La Ruota Internazionale

- Dr. Gianluca de Vito, Presidente, ONG "Voci di Popoli del Mondo" (VPM)

- Dr. Gianni Cavinato, Presidente Associazione Consumatori Utenti (ACU)

- Dr. Fabio Valis, Presidente, Scuola Atmanyoga Ravenna

- Ing. Graziano de Plamas -ITPC Expert

- Mrs. Patricia Brunello - ITPC Expert

- Dr. Antonio Cappelato- ITPC Expert

- Casa Editrice Terranuova Edizioni

- Ministry of Water Resoucers of Algeria

- Ministry of Environment of Senegal

- Ministry of Water and Environment, Republic of Uganda

- Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) - Republic of Liberia

- Department of Disaster Management Affairs - Republic of Malawi

- Foreign-Assisted and Special Project Service (FASPS) of

  Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) - Republic of the Philippines

- National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) - Republic of Uganda

- International Tree Protection Convention Secretariat


The Participation to the works of the Commission is free and does not entail any expenditure for its participants.


The ITPC Commission is listed in the United Nations UNGM, as well as on the Transparency Register of the European Commission 



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